Vestal Energy provides residential energy ratings and third party verifications for building code and energy efficiency program compliance. Services include HERS ratings, ENERGY STAR and Zero Energy Ready Home verifications, plus assistance with 45L tax credits and Mass Save incentive and rebate programs.

HERS Ratings
As a RESNET certified HERS Rater, Vestal Energy provides builders and contractors with the ratings required for Stretch Energy Code compliance, and guidance on how to achieve the required scores.
As an ENERGY STAR partner, Vestal Energy provides third party verifications for these programs. The 45L tax credit now requires ENERGY STAR certification.
DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes
Additional 45L tax credits, and additional home energy savings, are available for homes certified to the Department of Energy's ZERH program requirements.
Energy Inspections
Home energy inspections and consultations can be provided, including duct leakage and building envelope infiltration testing, thermal imaging, and more.